Seniors’ Endurance Training w/c 19.12.2022

This week our technical focus is on keeping the hips high and stable to avoid wasting energy lifting the torso up and down.

For our main sets we have some Christmas specials!

Suggested Drills for the week


Ball Slam

Jump Lunge

High Cadence running on the spot then lean forward from the ankle until you ‘fall’ into a run

Strides – imagine a helium balloon attached to your head lifting your head and torso up (but keep your shoulders relaxed)

Tuesday Session

10 minutes warm-up

10 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

20 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

30 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

40 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

50 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

60 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

70 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

80 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

90 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

100 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

110 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

120 seconds max effort then 2 minutes recovery

10 minutes cool-down

Thursday Session

20 mins easy warm up – include the suggested drills for the week

Pass the parcel! Full details will be explained on the night. If you want something equivalent then 10×400 with approx 2 mins rest between efforts.

5 mins cool down

Weekend Session

Minimum of 10 minutes warm up

Do a long run (distance will be up to you but this should be your longest run of the week) on a course that has rolling hills.

Christmas Handicap Races 2022

Our Christmas Handicap will be at 10am on Sunday 18th December 2022 in Wythenshawe Park/Track area.

  • Junior race ~1 Mile – at 10am – (parents: could you please help marshal the route)
  • Senior race (~3 Miles) – after the Junior race.

Please let George Lawson, Chris Sewart or Debbie know if you will be entering and bring a prize to win a prize.

Wear Christmas outfits, Xmas Jumpers, Santa hats or come in club vest – whatever!

Handicap presentations plus results of the ballot for Sportsman and Sportswoman of the year will be held in the new changing hut at the track from around 11.30am. There will be mince pies, hot and cold drinks from the kitchen.

More details here:

Athlete Of The Year 2022

Kevin Dillon

The club is once again to make an award to one member of the ladies’ senior section and one member of the men’s senior section who is considered to be the outstanding athlete of the year, following the popularity of previous years’ awards. This will take the form of a tankard and, in order to make a representative choice, I am asking all members of the senior section to vote for the member they consider deserves the award most.

The choice does not necessarily have to be a club champion. Factors worthy of consideration would include a substantial improvement over the year, an outstanding result in a particular meeting, or you may like to consider a contribution to the coaching side of the club or a member who has represented the club in a manner deserving of recognition.

You can vote online here

Awards will be made at the Christmas Handicaps on Sunday 18th December and nominations will be accepted on the day.

Alternatively, you can send your nominations to Kevin Dillon

Or let Debbie Beresford know your nominations.

Seniors’ Endurance Training w/c 12.12.2022

The fitness focus this week and until the new year will be working on getting our aerobic threshold as close as possible to our lactate threshold; there is a good, albeit cycling focused, article here.

The technical focus will be working on maintaining a good posture and light-footedness

Suggested Drills for the week

Straight leg run



Tuesday Session

10 minutes warm-up

2 x 20 minutes at a pace where conversation is no longer possible but short sentences with brief gaps to breath are still possible – this should be somewhere between your half marathon pace and your 10km race pace

5 minute cool-down

Thursday Session

The aim of this set is to maintain a heart rate that is between aerobic threshold and lactate threshold – we do this by keeping the majority of the lap easy but with some hard effort in the middle of each lap and minimal rest between laps

20 mins easy warm up – include the suggested drills for the week

On each lap; start easy accelerate slowly to 90% of sprint speed by 200m then decelerate slowly until the end of the lap – once everyone has completed the lap start again.

5 mins cool down

Weekend Session

Minimum of 10 minutes warm up

Do a long run (distance will be up to you but this should be your longest run of the week) on a course that has rolling hills.

Seniors’ Endurance Training w/c 5.12.2022

The fitness focus this week and until the new year will be working on getting our aerobic threshold as close as possible to our lactate threshold; there is a good, albeit cycling focused, article here.

The technical focus will be working on making sure your knee is flexed before your foot touches the ground.

Suggested Drills for the week

Straight leg, ball of foot taps



Strides; focusing on pulling the ground backwards

Tuesday Session

10 minutes warm-up

45 minutes at a pace where conversation is no longer easy and it is no longer possible to breath only through your nose.

5 minute cool-down

Thursday Session

20 mins easy warm up – include the suggested drills for the week


4 x400m first lap at XC race pace/effort, then aim to slow down by 10s per lap on each of the remaining 3 laps – minimal rest between laps (just enough to get everyone to start at the same time).

Recover for 2-3 minutes after the 4 laps then repeat…

5 mins cool down

Weekend Session

Minimum of 10 minutes warm up

Do a long run (distance will be up to you but this should be your longest run of the week) but every 1km do a stride (accelerate to 90% of sprint speed, hold it for 10 breaths or approx 20 seconds, then decelerate).